The What We Write project is an honors thesis project developed by Kennedy Harwood as part of the requirements of Boston University’s Kilachand Honors College. The project has been generously funded by Kilachand, with additional support from the BU School of Visual Arts. “The goal of the Keystone Project is to provide students with a sustained experience of intellectual discovery and an opportunity to share their work with a broader audience… Each spring, Kilachand Honors College students present their Keystone Projects at the annual Kilachand Honors College Keystone Symposium” (KHC).

The recent What We Write exhibition is one component of the longer term What We Write project. Surrounding the exhibition, the project has involved research and writing about the applications of handwriting in BU SVA students’ practices. Kennedy is conducting individual interviews with these students as well as hosting events in the Visual Arts Research and Resource Library as a way to gather qualitative information about how handwriting organically emerges as part of the artistic process. This research has also involved uncovering how community-building functions as artistic practice. The project will culminate in a book documenting the interviews, library events, exhibition, and research/writing to be published in April 2024.

More info on Instagram @WhatWeWrite.Project

Photos by Wenbin Huang